​​Updated 01/11/2024

Information on the NBHA FL00

Florida 00 was started to give members an option when competing in the NBHA. It is a district that encompasses the entire state and gives members the opportunity to compete when and where they wish. It is a unique type of district that has NO awards and its main purpose is to allow members the opportunity to receive points for a World qualification. To become a FL 00 member you have to fill out a district change form at any NBHA show or designate FL 00 as your competition district when renewing your membership or becoming a new member. 

FL 00 members
can only designate for points at a maximum of 10 shows per year for World qualification. You must count at least 3 shows for points to qualify for State and World. You must write on every entry card (that means in all classes too) when you enter that you wish to count points at that show. This will use up one of your 10 shows. If you do not get any points, the show still counts toward your show total. If you do not designate that show then I will not count any points you might receive and you will not lose a show. You should also enter under the same name at every show to ensure you get your points and have your membership number on every card.
Points are awarded for FL 00 the same as they would be for any district. Your division is determined by the fast time of the class regardless of who runs it. The amount of points you receive is based on how many FL 00 members are in your division and where you place in relation to them. At this time all classes are pointed 5D. Please read your NBHA rule book especially Section C Rule 14 regarding the 00 for further info.
FL 00 standings are reported during the first week of the month only if I have shows reported to me. Many directors are reporting their shows within a few days, but some shows may take a few weeks. BE PATIENT!! Always check the shows reported list when it is posted to see if your show is listed before questioning about those points. I post to Floridaequineathlete.com and email to all members that provide me with their email addresses. The Florida 00 provides members with the flexibility and freedom to compete as they wish, but it is not for everyone. Members should evaluate their situation and make sure this is the right district for them. If you are new to barrel racing and the 4 & 5 D formats then a local district might be best as that director can help you understand how the NBHA works. If you need to know your point situation shortly after you compete or want questions answered quickly then this may not be the district for you. For the most part I only answer point questions once a month when I do the points because it is a time consuming process. All other questions are answered once a week as needed.
FL 00 has become very difficult to gain a World qualification in (there are over 250 members). The standings can change drastically from month to month especially towards the end of the year as you are competing against people at shows all over the state. Make sure you are making the best decision for yourself and if FL 00 is where you want to be, then WELCOME and GOOD LUCK!! 

If you should have any inquiries about your points, show count, etc please contact Tracy Haberlandt  at tracyhaberlandt@hotmail.com, your district director.  :) :) 

The Florida Equine Athlete is the official publication for the NBHA FL00 District. The office does NOT calculate the points.  This page is updated as soon as Tracy sends the information to this office.

12/27/2023 - STANDINGS

​           Click on the following link to access points -

NBHA FL00 2023 STANDINGS revised 1/11/2024

A few of the pages, you will have to use your + buttons at the top of the pdf file to zoom in for viewing. Scroll down on file to view all pages.

Be sure to read the note from Tracy below -

Important to contact Tracy by January 14th, if there are any concerns.

                          NOTE FROM TRACY HABERLANDT 

                                          1.   Every member is to check the membership portal to make sure they have their membership paid by                                                                 January 1.  ALL NBHA memberships are due January 1 and have to be paid to have your points count                                                               and avoid non member fees.  This applies to ALL NBHA members

                                                       2.  Please CONTACT me with questions concerning the points BY January 14.  THEY WILL BE FINALIZED                                                                    and forwarded to headquarters after that date.

                                                       3.  Renee Kitching will be taking over as FL 00 Director in 2024


district director, Tracy Haberlandt 

eMAIL: tracyhaberlandt@hotmail.com